CL International Survey | Expertise transport – Controle – Audit – SURVEYS – AUDIT – CONTROLS

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CABINET LEVESQUE was established in 1990.

As from then, our activities are subject to continuous growth.Since the establishment of the company, we intervened in over 40 000 surveys, as result of which we have meanwhile obtained a considerable experience in our field of activities.

When speaking more technically, the development of our activities in the fields of surveys, inspections and audits has been organized through the years on basis of the following aspects :

  • Geographically : our company intervenes in France and Europe, including Russia, through its own agencies, but also in collaboration with various partners. We yearly carry out a considerable number of international assignments in which often has to be dealt with local issues and particularities.
  • By variety of specialization : historically, we were specialized in surveys, audits and quality controls in the food sector. During the past years we however extended our field of activities by also recruiting engineers with education and experiences covering other horizons, such as industrial risks, commodoties, industrial and final consummers goods/equipments , nautical issues and others.
  • By diversification of intervention : historically, our intervention was mainly related to transport and trading issues. During the past years, we however extended our activities to the fields of liability, cargo damages, trading losses and legal protection. These activities are in particular carried out in specialized fields such as perishable cargoes, industrial matters, agricultural concerns and environmental issues. Furthermore, we are acting in the “agro environmental” field, in the broad sense of the term, which should be considered more as an interesting local synergy of very specific in-house specialisms for technical support of specialised market organization, rather than a global activity field. Our intervenience in this field is generally composed by means of complementary experiences of specialists of various disciplines.
  • Notwithstanding the above, it should always be remembered that survey relates to common sense as well, which we are therefore used to apply to give the lie to the author who said: “the common sense solution is the last to be considered by the specialists”…

It is our constant aim to embody our intervention with the following value added :

  • On the one hand, CABINET LEVESQUE is a humane orientated organization, both towards our clients and other contacts, as well as internally amongst our staff, which currently counts approximately 80 collaborators. This ideology characterizes our entire field of intervention.
  • On the other hand, during the development of our company, we have always put high value to respecting the ethics of honesty and independence.


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Calculation of liability limits as regards transport

Surveys - Controls
